AiResearch is a small engineering company. Our working area is: Test equipment – Submersible technology – CNC milling – General machine building.

Welcome to AiResearch|
AiResearch mechanical engineering. Founded in 2007. Learn more about us.
11-01-2017 ;New website online!
27-01-2017 : today the company exists 10 years!
28-03-2017: Closer cooperation with material testing equipment
25-07-2017: expedition and deep tests with the Nordicsub in Norway
29-09-2017: Purchase of a Padovani teach in lathe
01-11-2021: Extra solar panals and heatpump. Carbon neutral now!
AiResearch is flexible and covers for its size
a wide range of activities like:
Our working area is:
For more information about our firm and the services we offer, contact us.
Or simply visit our links and references page for more material.
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